Ongoing/Upcoming Volunteer Opportunities with EPL

Wednesday, Sept. 11 10am to 11:30 at First United Methodist Church.  Join fellow library volunteers for a National Day of Service event. The Library is partnering with Bundled Blessings Diaper Bank to pack diapers and donated library books for local families in need. This is a great opportunity to participate in the National Day of Service, meet other library volunteers and show support for our Evanston community. I hope you can join us! Here are the details:

Location: First United Methodist Church (home of Bundled Blessings Diaper Bank) 516 Church Street, Evanston

Time: 10:00 am-11:30 am (please ONLY enter through the Church Street entrance- push the "call office" button to the right of the door for entry)

Parking: Church Street Parking Garage, the Library lot or street parking

RSVP: Please respond to by Sept. 9th if you plan to attend 

2nd Saturday of the month 10am-1pm at Robert Crown Library- Repair Cafe is looking for volunteers to repair small appliances & electronics, sew or mend, bike repair, jewelry repair, knife sharpening and book conservation and restoration. Contact Cherie Asante, EPL volunteer coordinator at, if interested.

Volunteer Photographer: Take pictures once a month or so for the EPL website. EPL staff would be editing and posting the photos. Contact Cherie Asante, EPL volunteer coordinator at, if interested

Serve as Greeter at EPL: Contact Cherie Asante, EPL volunteer coordinator, if interested at You would receive training for this volunteer role which is open to adults only. 

Post flyers for EPL events: Help organize, deliver and hang flyers at various locations around Evanston. This volunteer opportunity is open to anyone 14 or older. A car or bike is helpful, but walking is doable.  Contact Cherie Asante at if interested. 

Main Library Teen Loft support. Varied tasks will be assigned. Contact Cherie Asante, EPL volunteer coordinator at, if interested.

Hydroponics support at Robert Crown Library. Tasks vary. Contact Cherie Asante, EPL volunteer coordinator at, if interested.

Lego sorting and organizing at the Main Library. Contact Cherie Asante, EPL volunteer coordinator at, if interested.